Vocational Education in Albania must adapt to technology and labor market needs
A new Report on the use of STEM technologies in vocational education and training in Albania, prepared by two independent experts of CRCA/ECPAT Albania, in the framework of the DRUPWP initiative, highlights the necessity of reviewing the curricula to adapt to the dynamic demands of the labour market, with a particular focus on integrating STEM and advanced technologies in VET education and employment.
The report examined data from various sources, institutions and organizations working on vocational education and training, including the National Agency for Education, Vocational Training and Qualifications, the Pre-University Education Quality Assurance Agency and ICTSlab, a multifunctional innovation center.
One of the key findings of the report is that efforts to develop technological skills, such as those offered through web design, programming, or front-end development courses, are often not enough to cope with the demands of the rapidly changing digital labor market.
The experts suggest that the Government and relevant institutions focus on establishing a closer link between vocational education and the private sector, to ensure that training programmes are in line with the needs of industry and young people are prepared for employment, especially in stem and digital sectors.
The report recommends, among others, the review of the curriculum and training needs of teachers and professionals in the VET system in Albania while improving the strategies of promoting schools and vocational courses, to create a more sustainable space in the digital labour market.
Click here to access the full report.
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